• Oral sessions;
• Poster sessions – Size: 84,1 x 118,9 cm (A0);
• Workshops, tutorials and training courses;
• Discussion panels.
Duration: The Conference will have a duration of 5 days with a total amount of about 10-12 different sessions (to be defined).
Duration of each oral session: 1.5 hours.
The organisation and format of the different sessions will obey the following rules:
• 2 organisers, preferably members of the Scientific Committee, will act as co-chairs of each session, and will have as main tasks: a) the definition of the session programme, b) to solicit contributions from specialists in the topic of the corresponding session.
• Oral communications per session:
– 1 “keynote”/invited presentation (20′ to 30′ duration), by an expert;
– Discussion: 10′ to 15′ minutes.
• Workshops (groups of 8-10 people) for ‘case-study’ discussions.